Friday, May 30, 2014

Megan turns 9

Three years ago, I couldn't have paid Megan to eat a bite of Skyline chili. Now she asks for it for her birthday meal. She prefers hers with only oyster crackers....hold the cheese and onions, please.

She requested that her cake say "Megan is turning 9!" But I successfully convinced her that we simplify it to "Megan is 9". 

We wrote out the words in melted chocolate on the silicone mat along with some flowers and hearts and then we let them harden and popped them right on the cake. Worked like a charm. Although, as I sit and write this, I realize that I should have let her be more hands on with the decorating. In fact. I think I'll make a cake and let her frost the whole thing today. That will do wonders for my conscience!

She held this expression for the entire Happy Birthday song...

Her presents included this beanbag, a bead curtain for her closet, and a digital watch. We also promised her that we'd go get her a bigger bike this summer. 

Happy Birthday, Megan!

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