Thursday, May 15, 2014


1. I woke up this morning and immediately knew I was already 30 minutes behind schedule. It was my day to provide childcare at Crossfit, so it was going to take more than a ponytail and a sports bra to get out the door.  Crossfit gets done at 9:30 and I had scheduled Everly's 15 month shots (she's 17 months) for 10:00. Therefore, all children would need clothes on, hair done, and shoes attached AT THE TIME we walked out the door....which would be 10 minutes earlier than usual because Megan was having a party in one of her classes and needed to stop off at Price Chopper for a treat and a soda. And lest we forget to pack a lunch for the little girls who would be going over to the Guenther's immediately after Kindergarten pick up which was immediately after Everly's shots because I would then be driving BACK to Leawood to have lunch with the amazing ladies of Crossfit.


2. All the above was accomplished without too much bother, although I think Everly would disagree. She did, after all, get stabbed thrice in the chubby thighs.

3. I was running late to pick up the girls after lunch, so naturally as I crossed K-7, the railroad barriers started to lower and as I looked to see if the train was long or short, I realized that that it was very very very long and also....not moving. It had been PARKED ON THE TRACKS and was just starting up again.

chuh chug

chuh chug


Shoot me know.

4. AND YET! Totally worth it. Because I got to sit down and chat with these strong, hilarious women for a couple hours and munch on my whatever-it-was salad. I enjoyed seeing all of them in their normal clothes with make-up, glasses and jewelry on.

You see the petite blonde sitting next to me? She is ridiculous strong. She could bench press me and live to tell the tale. She occasionally RUNS to our class, does all the work I do, but with much heavier weights, and then RUNS HOME. Meanwhile,  after class, I sit in my minivan in the parking lot and take deep breaths while I browse facebook. I do my best to talk myself out of a donut run on the way home. 

5. I was looking at the above photo on my phone and discovered that one of my children took several unflattering photos of my backside while I was unawares. It was not the only caboose I didn't think I would see today. 

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