Tuesday, May 6, 2014

8 hours

1. I got 8 consecutive hours of sleep last night. The very fact that this made my list today is an indication of how long it has been since that has happened.

2. This morning during family scripture study, we each picked a word from the verses we read that we would focus on for the day in an effort to "do a little better". I picked the word droop from the Song of Nephi. My intention was to avoid allowing the stresses of the day to get to me and cause my attitude and my happiness to "droop". I wish I could say that I was successful. Instead, I actually burst into to tears before I was able to get my kids to school. Sometimes being a parent is rough.

3. I went out to the city composting facility and loaded up the back of my tarp-covered minivan with pure gardening manna from heaven. It took me a while to shovel it all in and then shovel it all back out when I got home, but by the time I was done, I was feeling considerably less droopy. I am convinced that dirt has restorative spiritual powers.

4. Everly stood on her own today and didn't seem surprised by it.

5. I thinned out the beets and the carrots today. I know it must be done, but it still makes me sad to pull out those beautiful little plants. I know if I think about it for long enough, I'd be able to come up with a spiritual metaphor for that process. I'll get back to you on that.

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