Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Somebody help that woman

1. Started out the day with a crossfit fail. Went in for my 8:30 class and nobody showed to staff the childcare.  I was all dressed in my sports bra (no small feat) and had nothin to I went to Aldi and bought milk instead.

2. I took 9 children to the pool today. Everybody lived through the experience, but I walked away feeling like 6 kids really is a magical number
. It was like those 3 extra kids were just too much for my brain to comprehend. I almost had to write down everybody's name that I was responsible for so that periodically I could visually confirm that everybody was still alive and well. Turns out I have a brain hardwired for 6 kids. Who knew?

3. Summer Bucket List item: Make Suckers.....check!

4. I still haven't managed to get down to the basement to retrieve the summer clothes out of the storage bins. Every day I think, "I am going to get that done today!" And sure enough, by noon I am telling myself, "I am going to go down there and get that done when the kids go to sleep!" And sure enough...I just drag myself right to bed and make a solid commitment to "head right down there first thing in the morning!".

If you see my kids in jeans and a long sleeve shirt, you have my permission to judge.

5. I had one of those meltdown moments tonight where I just felt the monumental injustice of having to make dinner AGAIN. I was stewing beneath the surface and feeling like I was the MOST PUT UPON PERSON in the known universe. This exceptionally mature behavior resulted in my children playing the "What do you love about Mom?" game at the dinner table. This is the game where they take turns telling me all the things they love about me...none of which I happen to be doing at this time. It's their sweet but doomed attempt at talking me off the ledge and avoiding a full-on "I quit!" moment.

I'm a jerk.

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