Monday, June 2, 2014

Anna at 3

Anna is 3 and very sassy.

She loves to go for bike rides, but often decides midway that she is "over it". Somehow we always make it back home...after much bribery and threatening.

She has the lightest, fluffiest, blonde hair and I often look at her and think, "Where in the world did you get that from?" Maybe Grandma Kathleen?

She replaces alot of her consonants with the letter 'T'. She really loves to go for "Pitnits" (picnics)

She has an ear for music on the radio and can sing along with quite a few songs. This definitely makes me listen carefully to what songs are playing.

Her favorite movie is Frozen and she knows all the words.

She is finally able to sleep in her own bed, but usually wants me to lay by her as she goes to sleep....sometimes I can actually do that!

She loves strawberries and blueberries. She would have a quesadilla for lunch every single day if I let her.

I can get her to eat almost anything if I tell her that the only thing that it (the bite) wants is to join the party in her stomach. She always feels so bad for the forkful that is being left out of the party.

She loves to hold Tootsie's leash on our family walks. Tootsie can still drag her off her feet if she sees a bunny.

She loves to swing on the the rings after every crossfit class.

She always giggles when she is in trouble. It is pretty infuriating. And pretty adorable.

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