Wednesday, June 3, 2020

When life hands you Coronavirus.....

Summer is here and I feel wet all the time. It is soooo humid outside.

Seemed like the perfect time to put together a lemonade stand. To the girls...the girls thought those thoughts, not me. I never ever think it's a perfect time to sit in the sun on the side of the road and sell food and drinks for less than I paid for them at the grocery store.

But the girls just....started. They were not waiting around for me to make signs....they don't need me. They're independent business women. 

Anna made a batch of No Bake Cookies and Everly did a couple dozen vanilla cupcakes topped with Megan's leftover birthday frosting. I may have assisted, just a scoatch. Then they headed over to Madelyn's house to help her make lemon muffins. Another friend, Savannah, was in charge of the lemonade supplies. 

They had scoped out a prime spot about a HALF MILE AWAY, so we loaded up the folding table, a couple chairs and we knocked on the door of the people who lived by that prime section of sidewalk. They were very gracious and gave the girls permission to hawk their goods at that corner. Once they were set up, I wished them luck and DROVE AWAY. It was too dang hot.

I did send a couple older sibling spies up to do spontaneous welfare checks every 20 minutes or so...but I gave them a dollar and disguised them as customers. I was simultaneously cooking dinner for the sister missionaries (they are still quarantined) but I managed to bring a couple pitchers of ice water to boost their supply of countrytime lemonade. 

In the end, they made about 30 bucks. Which feels like a million bucks when you're a kid. They magnanimously gave a dollar to each of the girls that hung around and kept them company, then split the rest up evenly (with a little extra for Savannah...she scored the lemonade mix). 

We packed it all up and they were thrilled. They were filthy rich. 

Naturally I wrote "Lemonade Stand" on the bottom of our bucket list and crossed it right off. 

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