Friday, June 26, 2020

Veggie Obsession

Here's the thing...I am totally into hanging out in the garden this year. I'm not sure if it's the fact that we had so much time at home and nothing else to do, or if I am hiding from my kids behind the fluffy asparagus fronds, or if I just completely rediscovered the magic of growing things.

Here's what's happening this week in the back yard....

We harvested our first tomatillos for the dressing recipe we used on our Father's Day pork barbacoa!

Our first lovely tomato! I gave it to Ethan...I'll wait for the next one (that's a mother's love).

It's hard to see in this photo, but the sprinklers left the most dazzling water droplets in this dill blossom. I was enraptured, I tell you!!

Some of the daisies are so adorably stubby. I don't know why, but I love them for it.

I made this bouquet for a friend from the daisies and blanket flowers. It's so COUNTRY! It couldn't be denied a burlap ribbon.

And check it out. there is an ear of corn growing.... look at is lovely, luscious silk!

In case there is any doubt left in your mind about the level of excitement and dedication I am feeling....I WEEDED THE GRASS OUT OF THE ASPARAGUS. That's unheard of. It gave me so much extra garden space, I decided to pop in a new bunch of lavender, transplant the parsley and add a new Early Girl tomato.  Yahtzee, baby!

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