Monday, June 15, 2020

Summer Bucket List: Search for the best burger

We have 4 drivers in the house.

The stars aligned and Ethan and Mathew are off of work at the same time.

It's now or never..... we divide and conquer:

Mark goes to Wahlburger:

Mathew goes to Austin's:

 Ethan goes to 5 Guys:

I go to Tasty Foodz:

Each person bought 2 burgers and we divided them into quarters....having a family of 8 is very convenient in weird ways.

We marked the plates, so we could keep track of which one we were trying. 

We thunk and we thunk...Anna and Mathew both chose Austin' suspicion is that Mat felt drawn to it because it was his pick up spot. Anna liked it because it came all disassembled. That means she was able to take the dry burger, squirt ketchup on it and nary a pickle or tomato polluted it.

The rest of us voted for 5 guys. It was meaty. It was saucy. It was greasy and the bun didn't try to steal the show. The veggies were spot on and it left us feeling so....American.

Such a fun night! My favorite was sitting around the table and hearing the kids laugh and critique their burger experiences. Can't wait to find the best fries and shakes!

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