Saturday, June 20, 2020

SBL: Elephant and Piggie - We are in a Play!

Every year I put something on that list that feels like such a good idea, and then later it gives me crazy anxiety. One year it was "racing gocarts" you know how expensive that is??

This year it was "Put on a Play".

It sounds so lovely, but it's actually quite a lot of work! And I have gotten so good at being inevitable byproduct of everything being cancelled for 3 months.

Luckily, the kids woke up feeling inspired, they selected 5 Elephant and Piggie books and decided that those would be their play. We brainstormed ideas for a backdrop and I gave them the go-ahead to use one of the flat sheets...those are completely useless at our house.

Then they just....did it! Have I mentioned that I love big kids? They are so CAPABLE!

Anna designed an adorable sun and cut a spot for a backstage prop hand-off, then covered it with a paper towel cloud. Genius.

Everly went foraging in the recycling big for some cardboard she could use as bushes. BY HERSELF. I was in awe. AWE, I tell you!

Megan used our sacrament meeting program template to put together the program. She's flippin fantastic.

The girls even managed to talk Mathew, Megan and I into stepping in for minor roles as needed.

I typed up the scripts. It was quite the undertaking, I only got through three of the books, figured we could use the book on the other two, but I wish I had really helped!

They came up with their own costumes, Anna in all grey and a trunk made from felt. Everly in all pink with some pink felt ears safety pinned to a headband. Aren't they the cutest of the cute?

Everly is very familiar with the stories in the books and did better with her lines by reading from the books instead of the scripts. I love to see her reading confidence growing! All that scripture reading in the mornings is paying off!

Megan played the Ice Cream Penguin vendor in one play and the whale in another play. She was such a good sport. Being accommodating is a rare quality in a 15 year old.

I did my best to be a good Brian the Bat. But even with my bat-ear piggietails and brown sweater, Mathew stole the spotlight with his funny Elephant. He is a true thespian, that boy.

Me and Everly waiting "off stage"....

I was the book holder for the last two plays. I should have written up the scripts, dangit. It was harder than I thought to turn those pages fast enough for the girls to say their lines.

But, the whole thing was so adorable and I really loved how they took charge and made it all happen. I love these kids!

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