Saturday, December 15, 2018

Anna's baptism day

The big day! Anna is eight and it's finally her turn to be baptized. She was nervous and excited all morning, but Mark helped her to practice and she new what to expect, so it calmed her fears.

We made it to the church with plenty of time to take photos and change clothes.

Anna and her dad.

It was sunny and chilly, but we couldn't resist getting a photo in the same spot as Laney and Megan. And in the same sweet baptism dress. She was so happy. It was hard to capture it in a photo. She seemed lit up from inside.

She was so lucky to share the day with her best friend, Rebecca Andersen. They make quite a little pair.

And we were so glad that Grandma Kathleen made the extra trip to come out and see Anna get baptized! And that she was able to get here even though she wasn't feeling well. Mark pointed out that Anna and her Grandma have the same smiling eyes! I love that so much!

The thing that I'll always remember about this day is that Anna was so happy! She was beaming and buzzing with anticipation. Ethan gave the prayer, Mathew gave the talk and all the girls sang "The Miracle" as the special musical number. I felt the spirit and it made me consider all the love and blessings we have in our family. So grateful for days like this!

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