Thursday, June 18, 2015

Summer Bucket List - Wonderscope

Mathew is at Scout Camp and Ethan is a youth leader at cub camp this week, so me and the girls thought it was the perfect time to hang out and play pretend at Wonderscope. 

I only got a couple photos, because the battery died, but we always love the farming room. We missed the mini grocery carts and the market this time, however. Not all changes are good changes, Wonderscope Decision Makers!

Also, I'm thinking costumes that involve dozens of little kids contaminating one another with head lice is not a great way to go. Not that it I, as her parent, had the backbone to tell her that she could not be a moo moo. That's pushing things a bit to far, don't ya think? 

We loved the water room this time and got our shorts good and wet.

The art room was fun and the girls loved face-painting until a mean mom came in and yelled at her kids and ruined our good vibes. I won't judge. I've been her on more that one occasion.

We spent a couple hours and then headed to Wendy's for a nugget/salad/chili buffet. That's where you buy lots of different items (primarily from the dollar menu) and everybody just goes for it. It was fun and educational. They were shocked to learned that bleu cheese is actually MOLDY and could not understand why I would allow any to touch my salad.

I truly have no idea.

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