Friday, June 19, 2015

SBL - Tbones game without Maffers

The T-bones game fell on June 19th...and Mathew missed it. Again. 

This time he was at Scout Camp. 

Last year he was with Mark at 11 year old camp.

The year before that, he was in Chicago watching the Cubs play. 

(Cubs?...T-bones?...Cubs?...T-bones?...nope.  I don't feel bad about that one.)

But like any loyal family would, we went without him. 

But we promised to buy him a bag of kettlecorn and  we hand delivered it to camp on the way home. THAT'S the love.

Everly enjoyed a night off from MCADD. We made sure she ate really lean and low-fat all day so she could indulge in a cup of cookes 'n cream dip 'n dots. 

Totally worth it, I'd say.

Anna spent her Wachter Bucks on a huge bag of cotton candy and a corn dog larger that her femur.

Laney went for the dip 'n dots and a personal pizza.

Meg did the dip 'n dots and a big salty pretzel.

Ethan found himself a chocolate shake and then sweetly washed out his cup and made multiple trips up the stairs to refill it with water for the little ones. He's a good egg.

I reminded us all that funnel cakes are really yummy and also a very poor decision for your digestive comfort.

Mark really appreciated it, I'm sure.

Isn't he cute? was the game, you ask?

I have no idea. We come for the treats.

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