Friday, June 19, 2015

SBL - Sharpie Tie-dye t-shirts

Last year we made the bleach shirts. (When I say we.... I actually mean me, just so we're clear). 

And they turned out aMAZing. I am telling you, I would actually pay for one of those in the store. But they were NOT kid friendly. Cutting intricate designs out with a razor and then spraying with bleach isn't as kid-friendly as it sounds. (It's possible I didn't entirely think that through).

So this year the little girls are trying out the sharpie tie dye technique. It's basically putting a plastic cup under a spot of shirt, popping on a rubber band and then letting them do what they will with different colors of sharpie markers. 

When they are satisfied, we use a dropper to apply rubbing alcohol and the magic happens!

It's the best.

We did four circles at a time and then let them dry. Then we would go back and do more circles and it really did turn out super cute.

Meg turned hers into a flower garden.

Best part: they got to participate! And they are adorable... that too. And colorful. Also, no razors involved. Always a plus.

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