Saturday, May 30, 2020

Megan turns Fifteen and we buck the quarantine

We gathered for the running of the streamers....

We suspect she was awakened by the creaky broken floor board I had to stand on to put up the streamers, but she didn't let on...she was appropriately disheveled.

A mystery person left a cute lawn sign for her last night. We truly don't know who it was, but we are guessing it was Sister Peterson, her Young Woman leader!

We procured a special cereal...unfortunately, Megan isn't a big fan of breakfast, so the girlies will help her out.

The bulk of the day was spent driving around gathering supplies for a Papyrus mask she wants to make for Comic Con. She was super excited about getting started...literally shaking! But she definitely wasn't thrilled about having to drive herself around. I keep telling her that learning to drive is pretty key to her future independence. She remains unconvinced.

Once we were back home, I started on making her birthday dinner while she decorated her cake. I know it sounds like a mean thing to do...but I promise you she wants to do it. It's like an extra gift for her!

She used my constellation grocery bag to add a few constellations.

I'd say it turned out seriously cute! The best yet!

Clearly, Mark feels the same!

On the menu: Sausage potato casserole, corn on the cob, watermelon, and fresh rolls...with a side of Ethan in a Baywatch tank top.

And right as we finished up dinner......DING DONG!  The Flynns and Guenthers came over to help celebrate and sing to her!

The cutest picture of her!

We spent the rest of the evening sitting around and chatting while the kids chased in the back yard and poked at the soggy fire pit. We have missed having our friends over.

Happy Birthday, Megan! I'm so sorry that I kinda forgot and you had to remind me and I felt so bad which made you feel so bad for making me feel bad.

Forgive me?

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