Sunday, May 10, 2020

A Mother's Day Medley

Here's the truth about Mother's Day. Some years its just the pits. No particular reason...maybe the hormones are imbalanced, maybe the stars are out of wack, maybe there are too many little people to care for to sneak in a respectable nap.  It just IS.

And then some years are just peaceful and lovely and full of funny things that make you feel lucky to be a mom and give you a sense of your place in their world.

Today was one of those.

First off. I got to sleep in. It was so delicious to wake up and squish my face a little further into my pillow and snooze until I felt ready to emerge. This quarantine is a booger, for sure, but there are some pretty fabulous side effects that I am going to be sad to give having no schedule....for, like, ANYTHING. When is church? starts when we all sit our buns on the couch and say it's church!

But first, we finished off the week's scripture study in the living room with the spring sunshine streaming in. We sure love that Abinadi. He was a brave one.

And then time for HuffMuffins! And strawberries with whip cream...and then more whip cream after the first layer of strawberries is eaten. The point here is that no one is allowed to shame me for how much whip cream I may or may not consume.

The kids did the dishes while I went to shower and get ready for the day. Amazing. A rare gift.

Everly and I put together the program for today's sacrament meeting. Before the first hymn began, I made it known that one of my Mother's Day requests was for everyone to sing with gusto and for enough people to sing the melody line that I could sing alto for the day. Megan took one for the team and sang the dreaded soprano part. And as far as gusto....they did not disappoint. After the first song, Ethan told Mathew that he sounds like a didgeridoo. Mat replied that his vocal skills are due largely to Ethan making fun of him several years ago. Then Ethan said, "It's not because of's because of puberty."

Those boys really know how to invite the spirit.

The talks were wonderful and sincere, the songs were hoppin and nobody had shoes on. Does it get better than this?

The rest of the afternoon was spent puttering around in the yard

Watching the little girls play Lizard Leg Torture

And observing Mark remove Anna's dying grey tooth after 6 weeks of waiting for it to fall out on its own. The best gift of the day!

For me and for Anna! Free at last!

I spent the afternoon catching up on some blogging, which is kind of torturous but the feeling of accomplishment feeds my blue personality.

The best dinner! BLT's, corn on the cob, crisp and sweet watermelon and dill pickle chips. Our artisan bread never fails to impress...and we're putting it through the paces. French toast? Check! Garlic bread? Check! Grilled cheese? Have mercy!

And coconut cream pie for dessert. Because Mark knows me and understands that this pie fills in the little cracks of my soul.

This is the stuff....being with my people.

2020 has been a wild ride so far, but today it really delivered. 💜

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