Thursday, May 14, 2020

Playset 2.0

Mark has had it out for the kids playset for years. He casually mentions tearing the thing down once or twice a year. I resist. Everly is only seven! She still needs to swing and slide and wear else can I make the kids eat their otter pops?

Then I bought a spider swing.  The minute we put it up, we got an up close view of how rickety the swing supports had become. It felt like we should probably hang a sign that said "Swing at Your Own Risk".

We talked about tearing it down and replacing it with a pergola lawn swing with another section attached for the spider swing. But then they wouldn't have a slide....what would they kick each other down?

Then we thought of adding just a simple little playhouse for them to use....or maybe even just keep the existing house section and build a platform for it to sit on...but then we realized that it looked like a big doghouse, for the kids.

In the end, we decided it would just be simpler to rebuild the swing set and hang the spider swing from the monkey bars. They'd still have a slide and a playhouse, a place to swing and we'd still be able to hang the hammock between the playset and the maple tree.

Wait....did I say simpler?

Not so much.

New tools, multiple trips to Home Depot each day for missing hardware, returns and additional lumber....

But the kids are getting involved and loving the opportunity to try power tools and feel tough.

The weather hasn't been too cooperative, the rain keeps popping up and we've had a random cold spell come through. But we are determined to get it done...even if we need to work by cell phone light.

Ethan taking a break to warm his feet by the flood light.

Megan discovered her new love for swinging an axe.

We are rebuilding piece by piece.

Mark is determined to finish this in the next couple days. He's a man on a mission.

I, unfortunately, got my index finger swept into the belt sander and it took off my fingernail and part of the nail bed underneath in just a fraction of a second. Can I just say, that whoever design fingernails to take a starring role in torture sessions. Because, OUCH. I am not loving the aggressive heartbeat I am feeling in my finger right now.

Anyway, my right hand is still working well and I am happy to hand Mark various tools and sand down our old monkey bars and spray paint them.

Aren't they pretty? So fresh and non-splintery.

And yes, we installed these at about 10 pm. Because the rain is supposed to be coming and we just want to be done with this, for crying out loud!

AAAANNNNDDD....We did it!

It looks so much better and we are so excited that it will not, in fact, collapse on our children as they swing and slide.

And the very best part...the kids love it and I love it!

Mark installed a spider swing under the monkey bars.

I'll give the girls another turn soon.  Like, maybe next week.

And just because we're on a roll. We put out a cute outdoor rug and some citronella candles. I'm excited to spend some time out here before it gets hot as Hades!

Coming soon....the kids learn how super fun it is to restain the fence. Mwahahaha!

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