Friday, May 1, 2020

Pandemic reality

Life looks pretty different around these parts. Kansas went under a stay-at-home order on Monday, March 16th.  We have been asked to stay at home as much as possible. So, the occasional grocery run and going outside for walks and bike rides. 

That means the kids are using Zoom to see their school teachers and classmates.

I'm zooming in to my Crossfit class as well.

Seminary and high school classes online for the big kids.

We've been finding random things to occupy our time, like looking up what picture the Hubbell telescope took on our birthdays. This is mine. I like it...looks like angel wings.

We've been trying this science experiment...

 The results were.....underwhelming. That little green splotch is 10 days of patient observation, friends.

Megan straightened Ethan's hair and we all felt an immediate increase in our peace, love and good will toward our fellow humans, dude. It was totally righteous.

We have fallen in love with the crested geckos. They are adorable. They are low maintenance. Their poop is so tiny.

We are finding creative ways to see our friends. Mark had a band practice/food bank fundraiser jam with his band. It was amazing, as usual.

Megan and her friends are hanging out on Zoom...

Young Women chats on Zoom (SOOOOOO much zooming)

I have Zoom Fatigue (its a thing) so I have turned to late night meat ups with friends in abandoned school parking lots. We are extra far away from each other and usually freezing, but it is totally worth it and cheaper than therapy, which would probably be conducted over Zoom anyway....

We are baking and baking and baking. Mostly delicious combinations of carbs. Anna has really blossomed and learned how to make just about anything by following the recipe. 

Grandma Kathleen's zucchini muffins!

The joy I felt when these pitas puffed up. Be still, my heart!

Speaking of cooking, everybody is helping these days. Because if they don't I won't be able to stop crying and nobody wants that. 

Mathew was finally granted permission to set all his gaming gear in one fabulously central basement location. He is sooooo happy.

Mark visited Anna's nail salon because no one else would go and she was starting to cry. He requested the platinum package....rainbow nails! Fabulous fingers and no regrets.

The kids have discovered that staying home with mom means random pick-up parties and window cleaning sessions.

All the hair salons are closed, so we are taking care of Mathew's luscious locks in the kitchen.


We are working out together in the mornings. We don't have much of a routine and we have different kids and combinations show up each day.

We are seriously obsessed with sidewalk chalk. It's all the rage. 

Mark has set up shop in the closet... he'll be working from home for the foreseeable future.

I'll be doing all the puzzles.

The dogs have never been happier. They are getting oodles and oodles of Megan piano time.

And honestly, maybe the best thing is having church at home. I love watching my kids take turns sharing lessons and testimonies. I love have the hymns accompanied by Mark's guitar or Megan's piano, or the girl's ukuleles. Even Anna practiced a primary song for weeks so she could accompany us. It's definitely not perfect and we have our funky moments. But I am grateful that we get to experience this and that we have this time to spend together.

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