Saturday, October 3, 2009

Nobody's perfect.

Ever seen a cheddar pizza?

Now you have.

"When you fail to plan, you plan to have a cheddar pizza."

Words to live by.

Remember my gorgeous, green kale...destined for the soup pot? The caterpillars ate the top leaves and pooped all over the bottom leaves. No amount of washing/radiation can get me to put one of those in my mouth.

In case you didn't know, kale is 68 cents a bunch right now at Walmart. The Zuppa Toscana

A couple weeks ago, the third step off the deck broke off and I haven't replaced it because my fat little wiener dog can't get up it and whine at the back door. I'm happy with this arrangement. It helps me to not yell unattractive things from the back door in the middle of the night. Hopefully I don't regret the procrastination when one of my offspring falls through the gaping hole.

Last week one of the pedals on one of our kids' tricycles fell off. Mark tried to throw it away, but I'm emotionally attached to it (our kids rode that tricycle!) so I saved it from its fate at the dump and bought some epoxy to try and fix it, but I'm intimidated by the complicated instructions on the package and so there has been a broken tricycle in my kitchen for 4 days, causing fights over who gets to scoot around the linoleum on it and who should or should not be using it as a ladder to get to the marshmallows.

Which reminds me. We have marshmallows. Those would be good with some chocolate chips.



  1. We have enjoyed many orange-cheesed pizzas in this house. Nothing wrong with that, I say.

  2. That is how I thought all home made pizza's were until a few years ago when I figured out that home made pizza could have white cheese like when you order it. My mom always only did orange cheese.
