Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A whole lotta taggin going on

I was tagged by Sarah, my sis-in-law.

Here are the rules:
1.Link to the person who tagged you
2.Mention the rules on your blog
3.Tell 6 unspectacular quirks about you
4.Tag 6 bloggers by linking to them
5.Leave a comment on each of the tagged blogger's blogs letting them know they've been tagged.

Ummm...I feel exceptionally unquirky today, so bear with me....

1. I am seriously thrifty....example: I am honestly considering eating the last few slices of deli turkey in the refrigerator even though I know its been open too long. Friends, why would I risk violent vomiting just to "get my money's worth"? This is a virtue taken to unhealthy levels I say!

2. I have an aversion to pruning. Thats right, PRUNING. Every time I see Mark get the shears out, I feel all sweaty and defensive. SAVE THE LIMBS!! I try to convince him not to do it. I beg, I boss, I bargain. He is strong and always moves forward with his plans. I'll walk off and mutter under my breath (but loud enough that he'll be sure to hear), "It's gonna look stupid". But it really looks great! Every time! That man can really prune. But, honey, seriously, no more. It'll look stupid.

3. I adore small containers with matching lids. I am hard pressed to throw them out...even though they have very few practical uses. Mark got this little tin with a window in the lid. It came with personalized m&m's in it. He brought it to me...I think he had even eaten the m&m's....and he had a big smile on his face. He knew I would love it...and I did! Don't even get me started on film canisters.

4. I love to sort. Buttons, toys, clothes, silverware, whatever. When we all start living the law of consecration...show me to the pile of socks...I'm your woman.

5. Mark and I have this rule about no eating after 7 pm. Before the baby was born all we had to do is be strong until bedtime...then you're home free till morning right? Now I, however, have to face temptation down over and over throughout the night while I get up with the baby. I have on occasion put the baby down in her crib and eaten 3 or 4 oreos in the dark and then gone back to bed...without brushing my teeth. Disgusting, I know, but so yummy.

6.I'm a "sink talker" like my mother before me. When we were growing up, my mom would be at the sink doing the dishes and she'd be muttering under her breath about whatever was bothering her or having little conversations with herself. I do that all the time. I will voice a gripe, and pretend what that person might say back to me, then respond to what I just pretended. Totally theraputic.

Well that's it! Now I tag:

1. Kaira
2. Vicky
3. Ashley
4. Lanelle
5. Alissa
6. Carley


  1. your quirks are quite loveable...with the exception of the deli meat.....:)

  2. Thank you for the laugh--I am also a sink talker-fun little insights to your life!

  3. Maren,,you are silly, and I love you!
