Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A tiny turtle pt. 2

We were 'hangin' in the backyard on Sunday afternoon and Tootsie WOULD NOT stop barking, no matter how many times I yellled in a not-so-Sabbath-tone "Tootsie, shut it!" After an hour or so of this it finally dawned on me that she must be barking at something. (brilliant) Upon investigation we discovered it was a box turtle on the other side of our stylish chainlink.So of course we proceeded to look for a stick long enough to poke at it. Luckily we had neglected to throw out the 4 ft. lengths of pvc pipe I honestly cannot remember why we own. Obviously now we see how such a thing can come in very handy in times of need. Eventually Mark hopped over the fence (thanks, honey...I really wanted to see that turtle). It should be noted that Mark had run the half Marathon just 24 hours prior and was hurting, so very hurting. That's love...Arkansas style. Here is the turtle sitting in the garden with the raspberries and onions. I know, wierd combo. He was very afraid and wouldn't come out of his shell.
Perhaps it was because there were three kids, two dogs, a mom with a camera and Mark who would put a stick in his shell because the kids laughed when it would snap shut with the stick pinched in there. Just a guess.
So of course we brought him inside, named him Titus and put him in a box with a slice of apple. In the morning we awoke to a much more confident turtle. It seems he realized we weren't interested in violence, just a little free entertainment. Notice Megan feels comfortable enough to "pick" in front of our guest. (sorry meg...I love you)
So after he made a few laps around the kitchen...we figured he was hungry (wasn't so keen on apple slices) and missing his family (as all lost bugs and animals do), we deposited him back in the field...behind the neighbor's house.


  1. What a fun evening to have a pet turtle temporarily, and he is very cute. I love the caption about Meg. We have several of those shots too. Might I just add that I love your blog. Congrats Mark on the 1/2 marathon! That is truly an accomplishment.

  2. welcome to the world of turtledom, well sort of. I guess we don't really own our tortoises either, we are just guardians of them (whatever that means). But they are great little pets, they don't really need anything to much and they don't stink, and they are really quiet.
    Thanks for your great blog. You make my day with your words of wisdom and funnyism.
    Love ya!

  3. Oh! His legs are so cute! Mark! I was talking about the TURTLE! Really, those legs when he walks are adorable!
