Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Day 10 - Movies!!

We hit Crossfit Lehi this morning. It was a cool facility, but oddly laid out. there was a wall right down the middle, forcing the coach to walk back and forth to see both sides and try to watch everyone. But she was good at it and we liked the workout. No good t-shirts to buy, so that was dissappointing. Mark's Father's Day gift this year was to visit all these gyms and buy a t-shirt at each one (and sometimes one for me...he's so generous!)

Mom wanted to treat the kids to a movie, so we grabbed tickets to Aladdin at the theater in Spanish Fork and went to see a matinee. We loved it! Which is a huge relief, because I really didn't love the cartoon one.

And just to make sure we watched all the movies in one day, we drove up to the Redwood Drive-in and met Bri and her family for Toy Story 4. We listened to our new favorite music all the way: muscials! Mom said she loved it!

Megan tucked safely into the trunk....any power supply is a good power supply.

Remind me again why we pay money to watch movies on the concrete? I had to restart the car every 20 minutes because the auxiliary power was trying to save me from having to get a jump start.

Mathew and Quinten bonding over video games!

Bri and me!!

1 comment:

  1. Super fun to hang with quinten there! Much nerding was committed that night.
