Saturday, December 16, 2017

A major award

Tonight was the On Track Holiday party.

We did a white elephant swap which concluded in the same way all white elephant swaps do....with us trading stuff we'd be reasonably excited to receive for stuff we have no idea what to do with.

Then there was a rambling awards show which ended in the strangest way possible.

With Mark and I being named the "Heart of the Gym"....uhhh...what? I attend the 8:30 am class on a sporadic basis, at best. So, I think when they really meant was "Mark! The Heart of the Gym....and he's married to that girl who comes to the 8:30 class and we don't want her to feel bad, so we'll give her the award too..."

Seriously, though. I really love these people. I'm pretty happy to be doing push-ups with them semi-regularly.

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