Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Not quite…

This morning I went into my closet and picked out a pair of jeans. My choices were the pair I kept from my “larger days”, or one of the two pair that my thoughtful and attentive Visiting Teacher brought over after we had a conversation about my inability to fit into any of my clothes and my determination not to buy any clothes in my current (and, hopefully, temporary) size. I picked out my most roomy pair and somewhere in between the selection and putting them on, I forgot which ones I had chosen.  I did a little happy dance when I discovered that these particular jeans weren’t as snug as they were the last time I wore them! Happy dance! Happy dance!

Then I looked down and realized that not only is my behind the exact same size as it has been for several weeks, it seems that I am losing my short term memory.


That’s when I decided to become a mall-walker.

I’ll let you know how it goes.


  1. ha ha that's great and I feel you b/c I am in the same situation, if I could just lose 5 more lbs, I'd gain about 6 more pairs of pants! Oh well!
    Anyways, yes, please take the poster idea for sleeping, I actually got it from one of the 4 or 5 sleep books that I read. I was really desperate!
    And happy late birthday btw!!!

  2. Maren, my girls just spent the last ten minutes playing with my squishy fat and using it as an object lesson of why we shouldn't eat candy.
    Big cyber sigh.
    You always look beautiful!

  3. We walked the mall a few times after Ethan and Talmage were born. Remember that? Good luck. I decided it was a lot easier to have a baby when I was ten years younger. Good thing they are so cute.
