Thursday, October 28, 2010

School parties done right.

Back in Arkansas we were brainwashed into believing that Halloween parades were a thing of the past. In fact, the kids weren't even allowed to dress up. For shame!

But here they not only dress up, they disrupt each others valuable classroom time by walking throughout all the classrooms in one large kid-snake. I love it and it reminds me of the kid-snakes of my childhood. The parents were invited to set up camp in various spots throughout the school. It was fun! And it was also were we realized the error of judgment we had made in our choice of the Dorothy costume. Dorothys are a dime a dozen around here.

First we spotted Mathew:

He was without his ninja swords because they were considered "weapons" and therefore banned from the school grounds. I can see that.

Then Ethan:

Megan attends morning Kindergarten, so we went to her parade and her classroom party earlier in the day. I have to admit she is one cute kitty.

This is her teacher, Mrs. Reves. One thing I have to mention about her is that she never ever ever stops talking like a kindergarten teacher. It's mind boggling. She talks to me the same way she talks to her students...even when I'm the only one around! It's a little weird...but I respect her commitment. And she is FANtastic at what she does.

Then there's Mr. Kerney, the principal. Hands down the best principal in all the land. Here he is letting the kids turn him into a toilet paper mummy. We love him. I was told that recently he let the kids turn him into a fruitcake. They met certain requirements and so they got to cover him with eggs and flour and sugar and milk. Isn't that seriously awesome?

Here is the Mega Kitty getting ready to embark on her parade. Laney and I trailed along and "brought up the rear". Gotta love that saying.

Oh...and just for good measure..check out these very awesome glasses Laney was stylin:

Now that is a Sonic toy I can support.

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