Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Mark is 43

Do you all his 43 years, he has never run through the streamer wall? 

How has this happened???

I'll tell you. He used to get up at 4 am....that's how that happened. 

But the Covid has turned us all upside down and this is his big chance. 

And he did it (like everything) with that unique daddy style.


And because we are grown ups and its a Wendnesday....we spent the rest of the day monitoring kids and driving the girls to their first ever art class....

We snuck (sneaked? snucked?) off to KC Joes to grab some birthday bbq....

His mask wasn't up to the task at hand. It looked more like a beard-cozy.

He requested steak flavored street tacos and fresh fruit, guacamole and chips for dinner. Believe it or not, some of the kids actually took bites of this strange and unfamiliar food. It was a bit of a birthday miracle.


The Happy Birthday song was sung with true dedication to complex harmonization. It was perhaps are best effort yet. Next time, we'll need to pre-assign someone to stick to the melody.  Mark felt inspired to lead the chorus.

Mark got a rockin card from my mom....we made his open it for each kid. Good find, mom!

Ethan found a t-shirt that Mark will wear proudly to the gym....I have to say...I am no fan of the man...but this one is pretty funny.

Mathew surprised him with a glowing toilet bowl nightlight. I haven't been able to come to terms with the cleaning aspect of the product, but it sure made him smile!

Happy Birthday, My LOVE!!

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