Thursday, September 17, 2020

Head Shot

Mathew is a senior!

It's a monumental thing...and it's been totally hijacked by this insane year. So many of the rituals and traditions that he would experience in his final year simply won't occur.


Probably not.

Senior sluff day?

How do you sluff from your living room?

His final year of marching band would have included the big final concert and the opportunity to stand and announce his post-graduation plans. There won't be a final concert and there really isn't much of a marching season. But this Saturday there is a football game and the seniors will have their photo put up on the giant screen and they'll let him step forward and Mark and I will be able to stand up in the stands.

It's not what it was....but it's something!

I guess that might as well be our 2020 motto: "It's not what it was, but it's something!"

And anyway...pretty great to have his cute mug on the jumbotron!

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