Saturday, November 30, 2019

Gearing up for Advent

With Thanksgiving on the 28th and Anna's birthday on the 29th, that leaves me one measly day to get all things advent up and running for December 1st. 

The calendar. 

Oh mercy, the calendar. 

This isn't as simple as it used to be. When the kids were little, I would just make up little things to do so that we could fill all the days with something fun. 

Now, we have SO MANY concerts and parties and scheduled events already on the books. I have to double most of the days up so that we can still fit in all the good stuff like gingerbread houses and movie nights and minivan express. Don't even get me started on the special gifts! 

It took me till midnight, but it's done. And Ethan will pick out first. When you have 8 people in the family and you know your times tables, the first person will always be last....waking up victorious on Christmas morning with an extra turn and the rights to pick out the star before opening the presents. 

It's caused many a fight over the years. And the funny thing is, half the time we're so excited about Christmas coming, we forget to take the star out at all. 

But that's the kind of stuff that makes families tick.  

And I bid you....good night.

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