Thursday, November 28, 2019

Friendsgiving 2019

Last year we traveled to Arkansas to spend time with Mark's side of the family. This year, we opted to stay and town (3 cheers for no driving!) and spend it with friends.

We spent all day Wednesday making the pies and prepping the sweet potatoes. We had 28 people coming, so we borrowed a table and chairs and brought up our craft table as well. We even dusted off the old high chair. (ack) My goal was to have everything set and have a peacefulish day, making rolls and reading my book. 

I was pretty excited that we could finally use my extensive salt and pepper shaker collection. 

 And the grand daddy....

So, prep work was done....the house was clean and I was feeling on top of things. 

I woke up at 6 to sneak in a batch or two of rolls. 

Then we headed out to On Track for Fight Gone unapologetic bid to maximize the amount of food we can stuff in our faces at our feast. 

The girls watched the Macy's parade. This is the very first time we've had it on. And all it took was getting double practice points for band class.

Around 2 o clock, families started to show up. Hursts, McDonalds, Flynns and Wadas. It may seem like a lot, but here is the beauty of it all....I only had to cook a couple pies, sweet potatoes and gobs of rolls. That is much less stressful than trying to make the whole spread and time it just perfectly. Not to mention, it's so expensive to buy all that stuff! Instead I blew all my money on eucalyptus branches and white hydrangeas at Trader Joes. 

Courtney made the turkey. She always makes the turkey because when she makes it, we actually enjoy eating it. When I make it, it gets pushed around the plate in hopes that my feelings won't be hurt. It's better this way. 

Todd carved it up. And by the looks of those cheeks, he's sampling the goods.

Alisa and Larrin made the glazed ham. It was gorgeous.

Everyone found a spot to park and start feasting.

Dax, Bruce, Tami and yours truly.

Todd, Courtney, Larrin, Alisa with baby Mika, Lannea in the highchair, Jessica and Ethan.

Jessica, Ethan, Emma, Cameron, Aidan, Mathew and the back of Miranda's head.

Oh hey...check out my "Fun for Everyone" sweet potatoes. This way everybody can have their marshmallows toasted just how you like them. It wasn't an accident, that's for sure. 

Oh. And did I mention we are petsitting the most adorable bird in the world? His name is Flynn and we wish we could keep him. You should see him play in the water. Crazy adorable.

We had adorable to spare. Look at little Mika! She's getting so chubby! And she obviously doesn't trust Todd one bit.

Mathew snatched his turn and got to rock her to sleep. The grin on that boy the whole time he was holding her. What a sweet heart he has.

The kids room...looks crazy in there! Save yourself, Emily!

And then it was time for pie! It was also Miranda's 18th birthday so she got to pick which dessert to stick her candles into. I was honored that she chose my chocolate lasagna. Which also shows how smart that girl is....its' stupid delicious.

Is she 81?

Or 18?

And then one by one, the families packed up their dishes and headed home. The Flynns lingered and Courtney and I had a chat while the girls watched youtube videos and let the cutest bird in the world roost on their heads.

Seems right.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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