Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Deborah Sampson

Let me tell you a little story. I found out years ago that when your child reaches the 5th grade, they will participate in the "wax museum". They pick a historic figure, dress up in a costume devised by their mothers and Pinterest and the local thrift shops, they memorize a quick biography and then recite it for parents and siblings in one fantastic afternoon.
We put together costumes for Paul Revere and then Ethan Allen. Meanwhile, I have kept my eye out for dresses that might help us pull off a Martha Washington or maybe Molly Pitcher....and I've been hoarding these little items for years....(years!) knowing that I have 4 little girls that will need skirts and aprons and whatnot.
So wouldn't you know? Megan chose Deborah Sampson. A woman who DRESSED LIKE A MAN so she could fight in the revolutionary war.
And that's how it goes.

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