Friday, April 15, 2016


I love/hate crossfit.

I talk about it too much with other people and I know I'm being annoying and I can't help myself.

But I really love these people and I look forward to seeing them every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday (Tuesday and Thursday if it's something that doesn't involve wall balls or thrusters).

And now Mike Cardinal is moving to Iowa. (He's in the white t-shirt), which totally stinks. Because he is kind and crazy strong and an example of what you can do over time if you just stick with it.  

And he tells me "good job" even when we both know I'm a bit of a wimp.

This is the best use for a box I've seen so far. Why jump up on it, when you can sit?

We did geriatric wall balls in honor of Mike's age on his last day.

I'm so sad to see Mike go, but I'll see the rest of you at 8:30.

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