Friday, June 4, 2010

The morning's harvest. may or may not already be aware that we are moving to Kansas City soon. There just remains this tiny detail of selling our house. While I feel a certain sense of urgency to get a move on and begin a new life in KC, I would be lying if I didn't admit that secretly I am hoping we stick around until I'm able to pick and eat ever last fruit and vegetable my garden has to offer. And if I don't....well I may throw a tantrum that could show my two year old a thing or two.

This morning, after I returned from my walk with the doggies (a direct result of my doctor's eyebrows) the girls and I went out to see what bounty might be obtained from the backyard.

Oh...and don't forget the beets. Anybody know how to cook beets? Boiling seems....wrong.

I love you, backyard.
Let's stay friends.
I'll facebook you.
I'll visit you in the middle of the night.
I'll be very sneaky.


  1. Maren,
    I wondered if you were ever going to announce the exciting! Although I will say that doing it pregnant is tough. Your garden is beautiful. Someday I will cultivate that talent, hopefully. How is the house selling going? Good luck with everything. We wish you guys the best!

  2. Kansas City!?! Is Mark's job sending you to Missouri? How rude!! (Actually, I really do love Missouri and I hope you will too!!) Your garden is an inspiration. Mine seriously sucks. I've harvested two tomatoes and bails and bails of weeds. Once you're in Kansas City, you'll only be two hours from my house so you are more than welcome to come help my struggling garden!!! Meanwhile, I'll be going to the grocery store to buy my raspberries and beets. (I have no idea what to do with beets.)

  3. I am going to start sneaking into your yard too! My goodness those rasberries look delicious! We wanted to try a garden this we dug out one of our raised flower beds, and bought what we decided was the appropriate night Jared said, "Lets go plant the garden." I said, "Ok, but I'm right in the middle of something right now." He walked out the back door and returned about 15 minutes later and said, "i'm done." Uh, yeah I think it takes longer than 15 minutes to plant a garden...and I don't think you are supposed to plant so many different types of seeds in one place but whatever maybe next year. :)

  4. Oh it is good to see you back! I have missed you.
    Your garden is awesome! Your kids are so resourceful with their cereal bowls, and I love your fuzzy hair :)
    Good luck with your move and wahoo to feeling better and looking more pregnant (the spare tire is my nemesis and should never have been invented.)
