Saturday, August 10, 2024

Silver Anniversary and Crossfit Games

We are mere days away from our 25th Anniversary! Aren't we cute with our readers? 

We planned to celebrate by taking the kids to Aunt Sarah's in Arkansas and then going to the Crossfit Games, but Mark planned in an extra day in Ft. Worth to have a real date. He nixed the long drive to Texas, bought flights and made reservations at Capital Grille. It was perfect. 

The hotel surprised us with a special treat. The restaurant sent us off with a goody bag we had a yummy chocolate picnic after our early dinner.  

We grabbed an Uber to a movie theater and watched "Twisters". Then we took the scenic route back to the hotel. I'm a sucker for an artistic alleyway. 

The next morning, we checked into our Airbnb. It was super cute!

We had the best roomates: Dan and Lauren Smith, Ross and Lauren Terry and Zach Nash...who grabbed the way too short futon in the living room. Game nights, cooking meals, talking Crossfit and investigating the sinkhole hidden under the dining room rug. These were the perfect people to do all of the things with. 

Watching the games in Dickies Arena. We froze our butts off up there. The AC was on overdrive.

We spent our time walking from the arena to the Vendor Village and back, doing workouts (not me, mind you)

finding yummy places to eat, even if it takes a brutal, soul wrenching walk of torture to get there. 

Uber? Uber?

watching for our photos show up on the jumbotron!

eating sooooo many acai bowls,

and hanging out with the sweetest, quirkiest, nerdiest friends a person could ask for. I love these ding dongs!

And just like that, it was over and we were trapped in a plane for 4 extra hours, just trying to make it back home to our babies. 

Well, our teenager babies, which, as we all know, need the most love of all. 


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