Wednesday, August 14, 2024

First Day of School

 We are down to the final trio. Megan is taking the semester off of school and building up her bank account while she considers her next move, Mathew is working for a hospital in Rexburg, ID doing IT, and Ethan is happily married to Kassie and working at CED in Sprinville, UT. 

Everly is starting her 6 grade year at CST and pretty excited to be in band and theater. I'm pretty excited to say goodbye to elementary school life! We're movin on up!

Laneybug is a Junior at Olathe South and is confident and self assured. Their class lineup is pretty sweet and after many years of curating and nurturing a solid and supportive friend group, this year is looking promising!

AJ is starting 8th grade and is homeschooling from the start (hooray!). This leaves lots of time for hanging out with mom and saving Mathew's reindeer beanie from getting donated. That was a close call. 

Here goes another school year!

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