Thursday, August 29, 2024

Karmic Situation

3 weeks. 

Torn labrum repair was supposed to be 3 itty bitty weeks of recovery.

I woke up from anesthesia and the doctor broke the news: not just a torn labrum, but a wonky femoral head leading to shredded cartilage. He sutured the labrum. trimmed the cartilage, shaved down the mutant ball joint and drilled little holes in the socket where the cartilage was missing. The idea is that those little holes need to bleed and form scar tissue to replace the cartilage in that spot. WHICH means recovery stretched to 8 weeks.

Crutches for EIGHT WEEKS.
No driving
No gym
No work
6 hours a day in a CPM machine
Sleeping in torture boots
Physical therapy twice a week
Solitary snacking habits completely exposed

This is my life for the next two months. 

I've taken over a healthy chunk of the couch. All my snacks and meds and charging chords and tissues and paperwork and blankets and boxes of whoppers wedged between the cushions.

We have a running theory that someone in our family must have put out some pretty bad karma recently. Megan's got a trick shoulder, head cold and and a raging bacterial infection that has kicked her in the metaphorical butt. Laney is, at this very moment, at urgent care with a possible case of strep throat. Everly has a wart on the bottom of her foot that just won't quit. Mark is just emerging from Covid. 

AJ, Mat and Ethan should look over their's just a matter of time before the next round of plagues hits this house. 

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