Saturday, August 17, 2024

Fresh Flowers

My garden veggies are largely a bust. It would seem the soil needs some amending before next spring. 

But those flowers! They are making my dream of always having fresh flowers in the house come true!

The Canterbury Bells magically emerged two years after I planted them!

Dad's roses are gorgeous and dreamy 

Fun little Bachelor Buttons

A lovely little mix!

These purple dahlias have been a surprise stand out. This is one of the small ones!

I mean....come on. That's bounty of zinnias!

I love these little vases! They are so fun to arrange.

My orange dahlias that were supposed to be pink so I got my money back but secretly love them even more....

Soon we'll have oodles and caboodles of sunflowers. Maybe a few snapdragons? 

You never can tell!

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