Saturday, March 23, 2024

Winnifred the Wild

I don't think it's an overstatement to say that Winnie has sunstantially altered life in our household. 

She is a part of everything we do. 

In short, she's a nosy neighbor living on my shoulder. 

She wants a bite of everything I eat. I mean, she probably wants ALL the bites, but we are working on sharing. She particularly loves bread and eggs and is desperate for cheese (did you know birds are lactose intolerant?) She goes completely mental if she hears a bag of chips being opened in the house. She doesn't approve of selfish humans that don't share doritos. 

She hates the feel of food on her beak, but will let it slide if she has a ripe strawberry all to herself. She will thoroughly wipe her beak all over your shoulder as soon as she gets a chance. 

She is obsessed and infuriated by UNO cards. She loves they way her beak can so deliciously puncture the crisp edge. We have donated this one in an effort to save the rest of the deck.

I clipped a branch off of my ugy lilac bush and brought it inside for her to climb on. She quickly stripped off the leaves. 

Miraculously, it spontaneously sprouts strawberries for her to discover and fling all over the walls.

She can't resist the allure of the dishwasher. So climbable! So full of food tidbits that those greedy people didn't bother to feed her. 

She is not afraid of the blow dryer. In fact, she prefers being right in the eye of the storm all warm and fluffy. 

I've been taking her out in the garden with me, but covering her with the top of her cage to keep her from being snatched by a hawk.  She made short work of my very first asparagus.

She is most at home on my glasses. She uses them as a perch for easy access to my eyelashes, a beak scratcher and a napping place. I don't really mind. 

She keeps things hoppin around here. 

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