Wednesday, November 29, 2023

AJ's Family Party - In the Year of Orange

It's no easy task to wake AJ up in the mornings. It's a process.

If needed, I do know ways to speed that process up, but these ways can only be used sparingly or they will cease to be effective. 

I may or may not have urgently knocked and said, "AJ! Hurry...I need you now!" 

Nothing like starting your birthday off with a jolt of adrenaline in the morning!

 But it worked. 

I stand by my methods.

Birthday Cocoa Puffs!

After Laney and Everly left for school, we swung around to Dutch Bros for a special drink. These two cuties made it a special treat!

I was tasked with keeping AJ out of the house so Rebecca could work her magic. She stepped into her teenageriness and requested a big pile of fries for lunch.  Also, she almost peed her pants from laughing so hard at this silly list....particularly #6.

She loved her fun surprise when we got home...even got a little teary.

She set to work on her cake...the first one didn't cook right, it fell apart and she tossed it in the trash. I tried to fix the situation by making a second cake...unfortunately leaving the eggs out of the recipe, turning it into a brownie consistency. She rallied and decided she would emerge from her room and make the best of a brownie situation. 

We called up the grown-up pups...

And did our best to sing our birthday small feat when the kids on the phone try to sing along with us and it's always just a little behind. Still...I love it with all my heart. 

And I love her with all my heart. 

Present time! Laney drew this with their digital's AJ!

And she got a microscope!

Happy 13th, AJ! 

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