Sunday, November 26, 2023

48 hours

Like many Modern Americans, I am more than capable of doing very little of value for great stretches of time. Oh, the languages I could have mastered in the amount of time I have devoted to matching 3 items hour after hour. It takes dedication to get to level 3259, you know. 

And then there are the days that we seem to be able to cram impressive amounts of fun, tradition and activity into a mere 48 hours. It takes all hands on deck, multiple drivers and a steely determination to not pick up that phone and progress to level 3260. 

Let's begin!

Mathew took Laney, AJ and Everly to the WWI museum. He even paid for the tickets! 

We selected the most beautiful, perfect and symmetrical Frasier Fir that ever was grown. It really was a beauty. 


And Mathew help load it right into my truck...oh wrangling it on top of the minivan this year!

We got right to decorating it...Mark suggested a bucket brigade, of sorts, to get the lights dressed in without anyone having to get dizzy 'round the maypole. 

DO NOT underestimate how much joy watching the glowy lights being passed from hand to hand made my heart happy. Because it actually was my favorite thing EVER. Besides handing out ornaments, of course. 

Glowy lights! Cooperation!

And the Running of the Snow! I feel like it was Kansas's way of saying, "Hey Mat. I missed you dude. Here's some snow....aaaaaaaand,,,,,GO!"

And AJ made a sassy little snowman. He's rocking all the current fashion trends. 

As well as carefully crafted buns! 

Other events I didn't get pictures of:

* Mathew packing up and heading out on his well-planned road trip home. 

*Mathew making it as far as Lawrence, KS before the KIA started making what can only be described as a "death rattle". He made it home and it was determined that the engine was shot. 

*We had it towed back to Lawrence for diagnostics on the off chance they would be willing to replace the motor for free due to a known issue. We began our fervent prayers. 

*We purchased another one-way ticket to fly a very disappointed Mathew back to Idaho 

*Two weeks later, we received word that KIA was going to replace the motor! None of us could believe it! Naturally, we ended up spending another $1700 on other repairs just to make sure Mathew was off to a good start and had reliable transportation in the frozen tundra. He'll be able to drive it home after he visits for Christmas.

And now, if you don't mind, level  3260 isn't going to conquer itself.  

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