Saturday, September 7, 2019

Maui: Travel Day!

It's been twenty years with this wonderful man! We are super lucky that Mom and Heidi could come out to watch over the kids while we fly off to celebrate. They came a couple days early so we could show them how to get to the various schools and fill them in on the times, places and procedures involved with drop offs and pick ups, piano lessons and work schedules. It made me realize how busy our lives are!! I wrote down everything I could think of and reminded them that they could text anytime with questions!

We were up with the dawn and at the airport. We waited in the terminal for an hour and a half for our first flight to board and I wished I had brought a was freezing! I fear I am moving into my "cardigan years".

We boarded the first plane. Mark barely fit....yikes.

We waited...and waited...and waited, all the while watching fuel drip out of the wing.


One would think this would cause us both to race off that plane...but my need not to ruffle feathers is a extremely strong. Mark thought we should get off and ask for a different flight. I insisted we wait it out. Finally, he said, "I think we need to go now...let's go." So I was fuming a bit as we got off.

We asked if there was another flight we could take to get to Maui and they told us there was a flight boarding RIGHT NOW in another terminal. If we could run over there as fast as possible we could get on. We were already running before they finished the sentence.

And we made it!

Rewards come in many forms.

As we flew, we watched to progress of the first plane we were on. It was still grounded when we arrived in California for our layover, so it just goes to show....Mark has really good ideas and I'm glad he's not afraid to get off the plane.

We grabbed some Panda Express at the airport and felt pretty good about their fortune telling powers

Then we had an epic 6 hour layover...we found some yummy chocolate and a "comfy" spot on a "sofa". We wrapped our arms around our carry on items and took a nap. There's only so much sudoku one person can do.

He's so fun to travel with. ❤️

Finally we were on our plane to Maui. By the time we touch down, it was 6 pm to the locals, but felt like 2 am to us. We needed to go get our rental Jeep but as we were boarding the shuttle to the car places, we looked around and realized that every person on that shuttle was going to the same place and we would be in line forever. Mark said, "I think I can beat this shuttle if I run. Hold my suitcase!!" And he took off! And you know what...he was standing there finishing up the paperwork when the rest of us slow pokes pull up. A couple people around me laughed with me about it. Ha ha! He was so excited to get that Jeep!

We were hopeful that we could get onto local time quickly, so we went to find a spot for dinner. We had a long list of recommendations from Larrin and Alisa... so we chose Da Kitchen.

I tell you what we were greasy and totally exhausted.

But that food was super yummy. And right up Mark's alley. Meat and rice!!

My stack (STACK) of breaded chicken was so good...I was loving it...a whole week off the diet!

We packed up the leftovers and headed to our condo. We couldn't hold off sleep any longer......

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