Monday, September 9, 2019

Maui: Doing exactly as we please....

I admit it. We don't have a plan. We read all the "10 best things to do in Maui" lists and those things may or may not find their way into our day. We're going where the wind takes us! Whatever strikes our fancy!

First things first: Crossfit Makena. This was a pretty cool place! They were absolutely embracing their island chill. A couple of them were barefoot and I suspect, maybe a little stoned.

But we had fun and I PR'd my overhead squat at 95 lbs! Let's hope it's enough to counteract the damage we are doing with our food choices.

Also, this is definitely one of the coolest t-shirts we've every picked up from a gym.

Next: Breakfast. I read that there is something wonderful here that we really need to try.

Banana Mac French Toast.  (The mac is not short for's macadamia). I am not lying when I tell you that these are a REVELATION. Every bite was heaven. Mark got the pork fried rice and while it was delicious too, he was happy to share mine.

I'm still getting used to the chickens under the table.

The flowers are so beautiful everywhere we go. I can see how they have enough to put them in their hair and make those amazing leis. 

We decided to drive to Wailuku to check out the Native Intelligence store where Larrin sells his shirt designs. This place is the real deal. Beautiful authentic items made by locals. I fell in love with these earrings, but they were a little pricey for me.

We both liked the same design and got a shirt apiece to bring home. So fun to be able to support our friend and have an awesome shirt!

Oh look....a rooster. Must be working parking lot security.

We went and tried out our snorkeling gear at the beach. It took a little bit to get acclimated, but we eventually got the hang of it. Mark even got good at going under the water and not getting it in his mouth. I discovered that I get seasick...the swell of the waves starts to really get to me after about 30 minutes. I was happy to take breaks and lay on the beach while Mark kept exploring.

We were on our way back to Kihei when we spotted these kite surfers, so we pulled off to watch. It was crazy!

Back through the trees from!!

Another stop for Ululani's.

This time we figured out our favorite combo: coconut ice cream, passionfruit, almond and mango on the ice and a snow cap. Perfection!

After that banana mac french toast, I was really needing something healthier for dinner. We found Nalu's Grill and I had the most amazing Thai salad.

Mark got a yummy tuna club, served up all fancy on a wooden plank. It was just right!

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