Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Not long after school started this year, Mathew mentioned that he'd like to participate in the school talent show. He wanted to dance. I cringed when he asked and I told him we would discuss it later.

I forgot.

He didn't.

The talent show was set for a Wednesday and the Monday before Mathew came to me in a panic. He wanted to perform. I felt an anxiety attack coming on. Talent shows are NOT my thing. I find them stressful and embarrassing. I told him that I had failed to sign him up and it was most likely too late now. He insisted that he could still participate. I told him I would talk to his teacher about it and I confess I was hoping that we had missed the window. As fate would have it, Mathew was good to go! So I pushed my issues aside, burned him a CD (Mah-ya-hi, baby) and we dug into the Halloween box and settled on the black shirt and pants from the ninja costume. It was ideal for his "moves" and had a black hoodie to up the coolness factor.

His teacher emailed me this photo of his Freestyle Routine:

Go Mathew! Go Mathew! Go Mathew!

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