Friday, November 13, 2009

Dinner is served.

I am at this very moment making a casserole that I know FULL WELL not a single member of my family will like. Probably even taste. For one thing, it has 2 cups of celery in it. That's some serious celery. I happen to love celery. Also, there's water chestnuts. I do believe that will inspire a little bit of "That is disgusting" and a touch of "I'm full" before the spoons or forks have crossed a single pair of lips. Mark might try it, but it will be out of pure love and a desire to not make me feel bad.

The thing is...

I would actually rather not share any at all. I would prefer those who do not wish to partake to let me know up front so none of my yummy casserole is wasted on their plates. What if I just dish myself up some and serve them something totally different? Would anyone notice?

Maybe I should tell them they're not allowed. It's only for mom. I remember my mom saying that to us and instead of being overcome with an uncontrollable urge to try it, I was thinking, "No problem. It's all yours."

So maybe they'll enjoy a fine selection of cold cereals tonight.

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