Sunday, October 23, 2016

A bit of harmless fun

The girls are always in and out when I'm getting ready. They are about their business and happily in cahoots about this or that as I do my own hair or make up.

Then every once in awhile they focus in on me and become interested in what I'm brushing onto my eyelashes.....

"Mom? Will you put make up on me?"

I wonder for a minute if they might think that I think that they NEED make up to be beautiful and I feel like I better make it crystal clear that make up is fun and I like it because it's fun, not because I need to have it. And don't forget that you are beautiful because you are you and because you are good and kind to others and make up doesn't make that better or worse.



Then let's do a makeup!

And when they are all eyelashed and lipped and blushed I ask them to give me a smile and instead they do that serious supermodel thing where they stare soulfully into the camera and for a few moments I see exactly what they are going to look like as grown women. And it scares me more than a little bit.

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