Friday, December 20, 2013

Kit cookies

I really love sugar cookies.

I would pick a sugar cookie over cake, cupcakes, pie, ice cream, brownies, shakes, oreos, you get the idea.

But I have never successfully made sugar cookies. NE....VER.

Sure, I've made sugar cookies and we frost them and I eat them, but they aren't that great. They're not like the ones that friends, neighbors and visiting teachers have delivered to our house. I've even requested recipes and dutifully tried to recreate these masterpieces. I just can't figure it out. They are too sweet, they are not sweet enough. They're bready, they're chewy, they're too crispy, they're too brown on the bottom. 

It's infuriating!

Soooo....factoring the amount of work that sugar cookies require, weighing in the almost 100% chance I have of messing them up....

If I see a gingerbread ninja kit at Aldi?

I'm snapping that right up!

I'll grab a couple Ugly Sweater kits while I'm at it!

You can never have too many sprinkles on an ugly sweater cookie.

When decorating ninjas and ugly sweaters, chairs are not required.

Megan brought home some "stain glass cookies" she made in school and we thought we might as well try them out.

It was a cool trick and made the cookie dough I made almost edible.

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