Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Off my chest.

Someone pooped in my compost pile. And I mean someONE.

Before the undisclosed child could get a shovel to get it out, one of the dogs ate it. (dry heaving)

Mathew told me at the breakfast table that "there is a lady that made all her wrinkles go away. You should find out her secret"

In honor of Mother's Day, I stayed up until 2 am watching Masterpiece Theatre and eating my stash of dark chocolate covered marzipan. No regrets.

Megan has been singing the first 2 lines of "Mother, I love you, mother, I do...." all morning. She pronounces it "Mudder", so admittedly it is very cute. But I'm pretty sure she has it stuck in her head and it's starting to drive me a little crazy. How do you tell your 4 year old girl to please stop singing of her love for you without hurting her feelings? Can't be done.

I absolutely cannot stop myself from finishing off Laney's corndog. My brain tells me that I deserve more than eating my toddlers leftovers, but I really do like corndogs.

I've decided to face reality and am now PLANNING at least one night of ramen, toaster waffles, spaghettios or cereal every week.

I saw a '20/20' segment on people that do ridiculous things while they're driving. They had video of these folks doing their make up, reading novels, texting, eating soup, (you get the picture). It's dangerous! One lady killed a woman on her motorcycle because she was painting her nails while she drove. As I'm watching this the Spirit says to me...."Aren't you glad nobody videoed you? Maybe you should stop before you get famous for repotting a plant while you're driving" (I totallly did that.) So I now declare that I will be amongst the focused drivers. I even took my makeup bag out of my van.

I haven't worn makeup for 3 days.


  1. I laughed, no lie for five minutes straight reading your entry. I haven't laughed for awhile. It is exactly what I needed. Thank you.

  2. laughing OUTLOUD is really such a good way to start the morning-THANKS for that!

  3. Hey man, I am totally all about finishing the corndog!
    Your posts make my day!

  4. That is all really funny. Potting a plant while driving. Wish I could see how you did that. Isn't it crazy what moms do to get something extra done in their day?
