Sunday, May 17, 2009


Ethan turn 8.

We decided on Mark taking Ethan with a few friends and his brother to "Monsters vs. Aliens" and followed by a sleepover.

I'm pretty sure that 8 year old boys are the target audience for that movie, so we were guaranteed a good time...throw in the 3D glasses and it was the "BEST BIRTHDAY EVER, SISTER HUFFORD!"

I admit that somewhere in my psyche, I kept thinking I was supposed to be feeling stressed about having this sleepover. Maybe I got the idea from TV that this was a situation fraught with loudness, late nights, sugar overload and bad behavior.

Nothing could have been farther from the truth. They were so fun. They were kind to each other, they were excited to be together and we had a great time...and I even got a few "Is there anything I can do to help you, Sister Hufford?"s.

As they re-quoted the entire movie to me, they would trip over their words because they just couldn't get it out fast enough.

"oh, oh, and Sister Hufford, there was this one part when Bob went up to Ginormica and oh my gosh it was so awesome and then they were all fighting the aliens because the aliens were the bad ones and then..."

We had homemade pizza. They loved it.

We had rootbeer. 67 cents a bottle. They loved it.

They watched Ethan open his presents. They oohed and they ahhed. They were properly impressed with each gift. Ethan basked in the attention.
What other child gets this excited over a plastic lion? I loved it.

We had cake. (I'm proud that I followed his instructions for what he wanted on his cake...a stallion and a big buck". I resisted "momming in up".) Check out the look on his face when I'm lighting the sparkler candles. That's appreciation only an 8 year old boy can give.
(Why do I always light the closest candles first? youch.)Why do I have a feeling that he's wishing for a world were he can run free with the stallions and their closest friends, the big bucks? Oh, what a world that would be.

Happy Birthday, my boy. I love you and I think you are a super dupe (Hufford lingo for "you're special").


  1. can't believe he is 8 already! Happy Birthday sweet boy!

  2. I can't believe our kids are 8! I was also surprised how well Lyndee's sleepover went. How fun for them at this age. They are still so sweet. Hopefully they stay that way through the teenage years.

  3. That was so funny, Maren. Those pictures were priceless. :)
