Thursday, December 11, 2008

Let's take a moment to obsess.

I would like to put this out in to the universe.


Why Why Why Why Why?

First comes love. (wink wink)

Then comes marriage.

Then comes baby in the baby carriage.

Then (this is the part they leave out of the playground rhymes) your hair falls out in male-pattern-baldness style and you are left trying to do a fancy comb-over because you are also feeling a little chunkalunk from the pregnancy and you can't deal with it all!

However, lest you think it is all up hill from there, you are left with THIS!AND THIS!Don't avert your eyes! I know they're hideous, but together we can defeat them.

Seriously, what am I supposed to do with these? They are determined to be curly and shwoopy and I hate them....hate hate hate hate them. Have you ever tried to grab 2 inches of hair with a curling iron? Owie.

The saddest part of all is that I deserve it. Yep. I totally deserve the 4 times (Beef, Maf, Moo, and Loo) I've had to care for and cultivated these two little patches of hair.
Confession time.
When I was serving my mission, I was blessed with a fantastic greenie name Sister Hendricks. She was energetic, happy, funny, a go-getter. However, she had had an unfortunate episode with a perm gone wrong at the MTC. It burned her hair off right at the hairline...and by the time she got to me, she had a good two inches of hair that stuck straight up. It was AWESOME! We (me) would laugh and laugh. I would put three fingers up on top of my forehead and pretend to poke someone's eye out. Oh the shameless mocking I did! But now we come full circle and karma is having the last laugh.
I'M SORRY OKAY!? Enough already! Is there no balm in gilead?

P.S. Sorry for the radioactive forehead. You try to take a picture of your own forehead mutation and we'll see how it turns out.


  1. Ha Ha! I laughed so hard. I had forgotten about the mocking and hair mutation until your blog. Ha Ha! Wow, that just brought back some good memories. How I hated that perm. I definitely had some hair insecurities.
    The other day I was thinking about when we were helping someone move and you walked into the joshua tree, but amazingly there was a spike missing right from the spot you walked into. One of my other memories of beloved Phaelan is shoveling dirt into the eroded roads. I am so glad I served with you merciless mocking and all.

    "Thanks for letting us admire your birds!"

  2. They are adorable! Just like the little curly q's on wienie dog bums:) I have always loved those!

  3. I vote you gel them - and stick them to your forehead. Ladies always envy the curls!

  4. You have great hair, don't ever let anyone tell you different.
    Don't worry, we still love ya, curlies and all!
