Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Pee carpet and Picklemans

The wedding is over and we have two weeks to get things under control at the house before the Newlyweds and In-Laws are coming for the open house. 

Am I stressed?

You bet your sweet bickes I am. 

But we still have to get our house to a point where we can move out of the garage. Kinda seems like we're getting comfortable with the premuim potty seating. 

Unfortunately, the refinishing of the hardwood floors did not go as well as we had hoped. They need to come back and fix approximately 63 flaws (if only I was exaggerating). 

The carpet installation was a disaster. Did you know there is worse carpet out there than the stuff our geriatric dogs peed on for 14 years?

There is. 

And it was recently installed in our house. 

I will not cry. 

There is no crying. 

We will figure it all out, but first....it is time to pick up Megan from KU! She is coming home to work for the summer and we will celebrate with sandwiches at Picklemans. They have magic bread. 

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