Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Hollywood Ending

Once upon a time, we got burned by the mean girls and their mommas. I won't go into detail. 


The details: In Anna's fifth grade year, we found out after the fact that almost the entire grade got together and went to "Day at the K" together, even though the school had stopped organizing it as an official fieldtrip. It was put together by the queen bees and their offspring.  All but a few kids were made aware. So Anna went to school that day only to find out that she not only wasn't invited, she had to sit through a useless day of classes. 

It was a jerk move. 

I may have made my feelings of frustration known on the school facebook page. I was mad and hurt for Anna. 

Fast forward to Everly's fifth grade year! We were tipped off by one of the nice moms that the same thing was taking place. Did we want to get in on it and buy tickets with the group? I had mixed feelings. I suggested that everyone in the grade be invited. A novel idea! I asked Everly if she'd like to go and Mark offered up an alternative plan. 

Would we like company seats in the Diamond Club?

Why yes, that would be PERFECT. And even better? We had four seats. So Anna got a redo and Laney got to take a day off of school. 

Diamond Club seats are FANCY.

They include an all you can eat buffet as well as candy bar, ice cream bar and free ballpark food brought to your seat by a darling waitress that asks you every 10 minutes what else you would like?

It's a kid's dream come true. 

It isn't often that those childhood wrongs are made right. 

And it didn't even require therapy!

Peace out, Day at the K! 

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