Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Carving in isolation

 Megan woke up with a sore throat on Monday morning. Then she said it was kinda hard to breathe. AND THEN! She mentioned that food was tasting kinda weird. 

Obviously...she had the Covid. 

It seemed a mere formality to get her tested. 

And Anna too...she was feeling stuffy and they share a room....

We called the schools, picked up a "skip the line" covid test card from the school nurse and ventured over for the dreaded swabbing of the brain we've heard so many people complain about. 

They were super excited.

Then we settled in for the wait. 

In the meantime...we have some pumpkins to carve and we'll not be sharing any germs with our friends until we know PRECISELY what kind of germs they are. 

We missed them all for many reasons...not the least of which was we really rocked it out this year! And we have no one to show our creations.

We had tons of elbow room!

Dad provided fresh baked cookies to keep up our carving energy. He's so supportive!

Anna's very worried pumpkin...

Everly's most adorable mini pumpkin cottage...

This is mine. I've wanted to do this creepy twine thing for awhile...and it was really hard! I took a LOT of jabbing a stick through tough pumpkin skin. This was a one and only...

Laney's was a two-sided masterpiece....

Megan tapped into her superpowers....Precision and Discipline to produce this awesome Papyrus.  I offered my help, but we have moved into the stage where she doesn't trust me not to mess up her vision.  She got that from

All our Jack o' lanterns in a row! 

We missed our friends and we hope next year we can all be back together again, but for now...we have our cute pumpkins to keep us company!

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